We wanted to make a marketplace with one thing in mind. For the growing Jewish population across America. The idea came to fruition one Chanukah day, when a thought crossed the mind:
“What do people do with their old Menorah’s?”
From there it went to, “What about one’s old wash-cup”. Suppose you are redesigning your home and have no use for the previous color. Or you are moving and don’t want your old belongings.
The list goes on and on.
There is such a large base of Jewish articles and Jewish related items, that to have a special marketplace geared towards people looking specifically for this, was a no-brainer.
From there JudeaBay took off, and now we are striving to earn the reliability and professionalism one would look for in a large marketplace. In addition, we are looking to compete head on with the “big guys”, and are offering the lowest fees possibly found. We hope that the jewish world, be it Frum, Chassidish, or Modern, enjoys the idea and supports each other, as we are truly all one big family.